Getting Started


There are 5 steps to selling a ticket. This step by step guide below with examples will take you through the process:

First, query the available tickets catalog to find a product that fits the needs. This is done using the /ticket/catalog/ endpoint.

Use the itemNumber to specify your chosen ticket in later steps.

Next we need to find time slots for the admission codes that are included with the selected product. For that purpose we will use the /ticket/capacity/search endpoint.

From the response, user must select a suitable time slot. We need the code (“CASTLE”) and (452) values to be able to create the reservation in the next step.

To make a reservation we need to know the itemNumber (from step 1), admissionCode and scheduleId from step 2

If the reservation is successful, we will get a reservation token in return. As long as the reservation is valid, our tickets are guaranteed. For subsequent references to this reservation we need the reservation token.

Tickets are reserved but not valid until the reservation has been confirmed. To confirm a reservation we use the /ticket/reservation/:token/confirm endpoint.

The response object contains the ticket numbers that are created and valid for admission.

To get access to the ticket endpoint services, you need to know the ticketId - a unique id for each ticket. You can look-up the this id if you have printed barcode of the ticket with the Find Ticket service.

When the ticketId is know, use the Get Ticket endpoint to retrieve all ticket information.

The response contain all relevant ticket details:

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