Rate Limits

The following limits apply per Entra App:

Max body sizeThe maximum request body size in MB.350
Max concurrent requestsThe maximum number of requests that can be processed at the same time. Requests that exceed this limit wait in a queue until a slot becomes available. Requests timeout after 8 minutes, returning HTTP 5035
Max connectionsThe maximum number of simultaneous requests, including processed and queued requests. Exceeding this limit returns HTTP 429100
Max request queue sizeThe maximum number of queued requests waiting to be processed. Exceeding this limit returns HTTP 42995
Speed (rate)The maximum number of requests that can be submitted within a 5-minute sliding window. Exceeding this limit returns HTTP 4296000

Retry strategy

Your integration should be resilient to temporary failures, HTTP 429 and HTTP 503.
Exponential backoff is our recommended strategy for retrying requests.

Increase throughput

If you need more throughput than the limits allow, you can create multiple Entra Apps and spread your requests across them.